President's Message
Kent Chisholm
member photo
If your recall my speech at the changeover meeting. I used these 3R challenges for the Rotary Club of St. Catherines Lakeshore
Well it certainly didn't take long before the members put it into practice.
Rescheduling the Lobsterfest till next year,  to give more time to market and promote, was a wise choice with the uncertainly of the cost of lobster, etc. the committee are to be commended for all the time and effort they put in to evaluate this important project.
A report from the membership committee went out to all members notifying them of the reasons for the Boards approval of a vote on the July 26th., meeting to decide on keeping the twice monthly  meetings or going back to every week.
Everyone will have an opportunity to discuss this  important decision by email, if they are out of town,  or at the meeting where an opportunity at the end of the meeting will be set aside before taking a  vote. 
If you have any concerns, please contact me directly at
or telephone 289-668-8831 
Boys and Girls Club
Boys and Clubs Club of Niagara was represented at the club by Barb Greenwood.  Barb gave the history of the club growing from one location to many in the region today.  Again another worthwhile organization for children in our community. 
Barb is a past president of the Rotary Club of Niagara Falls and organizer of the Lobsterfest.  She also gave us a run down of how their lobsterfest was changed this year.
Thanking the speaker was Ellen
Tom and his golden retriever, Stanley, visited the club and Tom spoke of the positive effects that Stanley's presence has on people who are suffering or lonely. Tom is a volunteer at the St. John's Ambulance. He is Stanley's trainer and master for the past 8 years or so. They often visit, senior residences, the hospital as well as Hospice Niagara where he met member, Jim Cunningham. Mary Howard introduced Tom. Her father was also very involved with St. John's ambulance. Tracey, a St. Catharines veterinarian, thanked the speaker.
Ugly Christmas Sweater
A good time was had by all who attended the December 14th meeting. It was well attended by Rotarians sporting their favorite 'Ugly Christmas Sweater'. Tracey won first prize as not only was her sweater ugly, she said it was also smelly.
From left to right are:.... I'll never tell !
New Member Induction
Marlene Madder, Chair of Membership, presided over the induction ceremony of new member Beth Freelton.
President Sandi pinned our newest member and very first outbound exchange student from District 7090 almost 30 years ago.
We would like to take this opportunity to welcome Beth to the club.New members are our club's greatest asset. We know Beth will enjoy the fellowship and service to the community that our club is all about.
Linda Landry with the help of elves, Mary and Susan, drew the Season Cheers winning tickets at the annual Rotary Christmas Party. A heartfelft thank you goes out to all members who sold or bought tickets in support of the Gary Landry Home Reading Program, that supports 6 reading programs in 5 of our local elementary schools. A special thank you to member Mary and friend Susan who single handedly knitted up a storm of drinking mitts, sold them at club events and privately and presented the committee with a cheque for over a $1,000.00
What a success!
Meeting Responsibilities
singing anthum
BINGO --B  I  N  G O
Thursday, Aug. 10th - Beth Fleeton
                                                   Ellen Wodchis
Friday, Aug 25th - Mary Howard
Sunday,Sept 3rd - Janet Allen
Thursday, Sept 7th - Annette Marchionda
                                               Ellen Wodchis
Saturday, Sept. 30th - Bruce Timms
Sunday, Oct 1st - Bob Miller
Thursday, Oct 5th -
Friday, Dec. 15th - 9:30pm to 11:30pm-Gary and Sandi Chard
Sunday, Feb. 25th 2018 - 7:30 to 9:30pm. 


Russell Hampton
National Awards Services Inc.
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays
Jon Asplin
July 10
Sandi Chard
August 19
Randi Dyck
August 24
Tracey Hobbs
August 30
Al Scales
Rose Scales
July 17
Eric Jones
July 19
Join Date
Robert Morningstar
August 1, 1993
24 years