May News
Another eventful month with the Rotary Club of St. Catharines Lakeshore. What is more exciting that seeing faces of our Paul Harris new fellows. Thank you Richard Lafontaine and Debbie Burch for all you do in our community to enhance the lifes of many. In the case of both of our new fellows they work manly with the youth in our community.
We also celebrated the Gary Landry Home Reading program volunteers. Linda told us that the program this year was run with 18 Brock Student volunteers and 2 adults. Please consider volunteering or asking friends, family to help in the 5 schools we have committed to.
Our spaghetti dinner to support Polio Plus on April 19th was very well attended. Thank you all for supporting as well 100 pasta products for 100 years of the Rotary Foundation. Thanks to Norm for delivering more than 100 pieces to community care. The spaghetti dinner was coordinated by Eric who did a great job again.
The joint meeting at lunch on April 19th had a great turn out from our club. From the noise level in the room I believe all had a great fellowship with Rotarians from around the Niagara Region. Let's do it again next year.
Thanks to Ed Telenko our speaker in April for his continued work at the Boys and Girls club with the art program.
Gary and I represented our club last week at NOTL-Lewiston Perogies and Pints in Niagara Falls. Thanks Tommy for inviting us for a fun evening where I actually got to discuss my elevator speech "what is rotary" to a guest attending that had no idea what rotary was just came for the perogies.
Coming up Winemakers Vintage - Premium Winemaking Boutique, 25 Main St., Port Dalhousie social on May 3 sure to be another great event. May 4 is Hernder estate winery the district foundation is having a wine night hopefully you registered from your emails.
On May 6 is the district annual club leadership training. It is for any Rotarian member but if you are on the board for the 2017-18 please plan to attend.
On May 10 our club will be giving another check to One Foundation as part of our $50000.00 commitment.
Our annual Plant sale will be on Saturday May 13. Eric has a sign up. We will not be doing an electronic this year. With all the sunshine in April and now rainy season our plants are looking great to split. Linda Jones will be at the meeting on May 10 if you need advice on splitting. If you do not have a garden perhaps you can donate plants from friends and family. We need plants to make this event a success.
We are almost at the end of our Rotary year. It is time for all committees to be wrapping up. Please be prepared to present a report at the June 28 changeover meeting.
The Ribfest committee is starting to prepare for the August weekend. We need someone to shadow this year to take over this event. Please see Gary if you would like to help.
Gary and I will be leaving the end of May to start our trek to Atlanta to the convention. Did you know Bill Gates as well as Jack Nicklaus will be speaking? Why Jack? He is a polio survivor!
On Monday PDG Aziz Memon: Polio in Pakistan will be speaking in St. Catharines. A rare opportunity to hear first hand what is happening with polio in Pakistan. To Register
Five Avenues of Services is explained in better detail in the bulletin.