BEACON, May 20th, 2015
Posted by Joy A. Flegg
on May 20, 2015
Paul Harris Fellowship Award Recipients: Ellen Wodchis, Marlene Mader, Linda Landry

PRESIDENT: Jon Asplin, presiding
GRACE: Andy Pontello
ANTHEM: Emilio Raimondo
EDITOR: Joy Flegg
GUESTS: Norm Durward (Marlene Mader), John Ellison (Linda Landry),Carol Nagy and Shari Willerton from Hospice Niagara, Vanessa Levay, Marty Mako (Ellen Wodchis), Chris Bangham, Jane Burbage a prospective member and past District Governor Art Wing.
Chris Bangham representing Hospice Niagara and the promotion of their signature fundraising event, 5 car draw. Tickets are 25 $ or 5 for 100 $. 20,000 tickets available.
Jim: Foundation donation from our club this year is over 3 310,00 $ as well as 1 343 4 donated to Polio Plus
Annette : is hosting the President`s outgoing BBQ on Wednesday, June 24th. Sign up sheet will circulate next week. Spouses are welcome.
Jon: Going South event, sponsored by the South Club, being held at Catz Cabouse tomorrow night as of 6pm. Just show up. Also a thank-you card was received from the Niagara Bruce Trail Club for our donation of 500 $ for the foot bridge located at Rockway Glen. June 27th there will be the official opening.
Bob Miller : July 22nd annual golf social. Sign up sheet circulated. Spouses and friends are welcome.
Each year, our club chooses a recipient or recipients to receive the most prestigious Paul Harris Fellow Award, our club's avenue to thank Rotarians who serve beyond what is expected. Marlene received her 3rd PH Award tonight.
Art Wing, past District Governor and Jon Asplin presented Linda Landry, Marlene Mader and Ellen Wodchis
Second part of the program is Art Wing speaking on the Foundation. He and his wife Jackie have made the Foundation their charity of choice. Janet Allen's father sponsored him into the St. Catharines Club.
Art explained the various levels of donation to the Foundation : Sustaining members (100 $ a year) Paul Harris Society members (1 000 $ each year), and Paul Harris Society Members (10 000 $ each year). He also encourages members to become benefactors by leaving a donation to the Foundation in their will.
Spoke of all the good work done by the matching grant program.
Polio Plus program has 23 cases of polio remaining around the world.
Jon thanked Art for all of his insight on the work performed by the Foundation.
HAPPY $ with
Many for Art for his passion and insight into the Foundation and the world changing programs they are responsible for and for our Paul Harris recipients
. Marlene thanked the club for the prestigious award
. Patricia for her guest, Hospice where Ed spent his final days and for all PH recipients
. Milica spent 4 days in Chicago with her sons
. Gary for Jim and Jon for recruiting such a large group at a Foundation
. Joy for all the well wishes during her time with pneumonia
. Jim for his shared passion with Art
. Andy pleased to be part of something so positive
. Art for the Hospice Group at our meeting tonight
. Linda congratulating all for their selfless giving. Also presented Milica with a certificate for her son Peter
. Sandi joined as a result of learning about the Foundation
. Jon for this successful meeting and for his son's very successful training trip to Montreal
50 / 50 DRAW
Joy pulled the 10 of hearts following a deafening drum roll
please see photo album or facebook for pictures of evening