The Club was pleased to welcome Anne Bermingham on the annual District Governor’s visit.The meeting was highlighted by the presentation of a Paul Harris Award to Gary Chard
The Club was pleased to welcome Anne Bermingham on the annual District Governor’s visit. Introduced by Milica, Anne was born and raised in Hamilton, attending the University of Western Ontario before moving on to the University of Saskatchewan for her Masters. She joined the Rotary Club of Hamilton in 1992, serving as Club President in 2002-2003. Anne later joined the Hamilton AM Club serving as their President in 2019-2020.
Anne began by congratulating the Club for winning the lighthouse Award at the recent District Conference. She then presented a Paul Harris Award to Gary Chard.
Her presentation concentrated on how Rotary International’s Action Plan applies to the District, Clubs and Rotarians as “People of Action”. There were four main areas:
- Increase Our Impact (e.g., the Great Lakes Watershed Clean-up – next one on April 16-24 2022 – and our area’s Cluster Grant Program)
- Expand Our Reach (e.g., Satellite Clubs – now have 10 in our District – and greater support for our Rotoract Clubs).
- Enhance Participant Engagement (e.g., monthly Rotary Webtalks, Rotary Center for Coaching, Rotary 101 – a quarterly webinar on what’s going on with Rotary)
- Increase Our Ability To Adapt (simplified foundation grant qualification process; on-going website/social media help; revising how we govern ourselves; short-term and new generations service exchange).
Janet thanked Anne on behalf of the Club, presenting her with a $1000 cheque in her name to polio Plus.