Annual Rotary Lakeshore WINTER Trivia Night at our NEW LOCATION: Club Roma, Gemini Room,  125 Vansickle Rd,  St. Catharines

Table of Eight - $248

 Tickets Available from:  CLICK HERE For Full Details and to Buy Your Tickets On-line via Eventbrite OR [NEW] e-transfer to the Club Treasurer at [Please put "Trivia" in the description line]!

A fun night of 100 questions designed by Rotary Lakeshore's in-house team of quizmasters! Cash prizes are awarded for the top three teams!


Only 50 Tables Available! Always a Sell-out!

We provide some FREE munchies (water, hot dogs, popcorn, chip mix, tea and coffee) You are welcome to bring your own food to compliment this..

Cash Bar - wine, beer, pop and mixed drinks available - Sorry no outside drinks allowed.

The event is a cash only evening

REMINDER: Doors To Lobby and Bar Open at 6:00 pm. Trivia will begin at 7:00 pm sharp! Questions consist of general knowledge like science, history, sports, music, geography, local FACTS and more.

We have 50-50 draws during the evening. Heads or Tails games are also played.