The old story book ending: “And they all lived happily ever after”…began with a Child learning to read.
PURPOSE: “The School to Home Reading Program” was initiated in 2011, in memory of Gary Landry a founding member, to help increase literacy levels; build confidence; encourage family involvement and instill the joy of reading at an early age.
PROGRAM: The Rotary Club of St. Catharines Lakeshore operates the Program by recruiting, training & scheduling students from our Community, Niagara College & Brock University to mentor weekly between October & April. Volunteers are read to by the Students as they critique, document & encourage. A win-win as mature students mentor younger ones, as well as receiving community hours & references. We purchase “leveled” books yearly & in June, our Club honours a girl and boy from each school with “The Vic Kovacevich or The E.P. Flegg Most Improved Reader Award.” We present a Rotary medallion, their name on a Rotary hall plaque & a gift certificate from Book Outlet.
St. Catharines Schools:
Port Weller & Assumption 2011 – June, 2018 Our Lady of Fatima (English & French Immersion) 2013 – present Prince of Wales 2014 – present Sainte Marguerite Bourgeoys (Francophone), 2015 – present Harriet Tubman 2018 - present
The Rotary Club of St. Catharines Lakeshore is passionate about Literacy! We always need Volunteers…. PLEASE JOIN US! CONTACT: Sarah at: SANDREWS16@nc.students.niagaracollege.ca
The Rotary Club of St. Catharines Lakeshore’s “School to Home Reading Program”
Grade 2, 3 & 4 Students read to a Volunteer in School for 15 minutes; then take a book home to read to their family & the process repeats.
Volunteers receive Rotary references & a School letter for community hours. Attend once per week beginning Sept 24th to Dec. 14th. Gain experience & have fun while encouraging confidence, fluency, comprehension & the joy of reading. We are flexible as your education is important to us too!
Our Lady of Fatima: 439 Vine St., St. Catharines
ENGLISH: Monday 12:45 to 2:30
FRENCH IMMERSION: Tuesday 12:45 to 2:30
Sainte Marguerite Bourgeoys: 12 Burleigh Hill Rd., St. Catharines
FLUENT FRENCH: Tuesday or Friday: 11:30 to 1:15
Prince of Wales: 95 Facer St., St. Catharines
ENGLISH: Thursday: 11:30 to 1:00
Harriet Tubman: 84 Henry St., St. Catharines
ENGLISH: Thursday: 9:00 to 10:20
INFORMATION CONTACT: Sarah Andrews, Literacy Program Coordinator: SANDREWS16@ncstudents.niagaracollege.ca
Please include: Your School, year & studies; e-mail, cell phone, current address and you’re preferred School.