Located on the public walkway that circles the entire hospital building, the garden site is on the western side of the building exposed to the full afternoon and evening sun.

As the hospital does not have external watering systems, plants have been carefully selected by Gauld Nurseries Ltd. for drought-resistance and hardiness. In addition, selected planting materials are salt-resistant as walkways and roadways adjoining and through the site are heavily salted through the winter months.
An in-ground drip irrigation system installed by Rain Your Way Watering Systems is also in place to guard against periods of extended drought.
In 2023, Sitting Rocks (augmented by additional beds and amenities) have been added along the other side of the existing walkway to enhance the site.
Please click on the link below for the full planting plan for Year 1 and a matching overview (with photo, description and rationale) for the individual plants selected for the initial Phase 1 garden.

Born in Caterham, Surrey, England, Clarice graduated from Ottawa Teachers' College in 1961 and later earned Bachelor Degrees in Arts and Education from Brock University. For over 30 years, Clarice worked as an educator in various provinces and countries, including Scotland, and finally for the District School Board of Niagara. For a time, Clarice led the Lincoln Women's Teacher Association, winning their humanitarian award. She was also elected to the governing board of the Ontario College of Teachers. Clarice was an energetic leader of and contributor to many organizations in her community including the Rotary Club of St. Catharines Lakeshore, where she was a member for more than 20 years and was twice recognized with the Paul Harris Award, the highest honour Rotary can bestow on one of its members.
Following her retirement, Clarice was very active with the Retired Teachers of Ontario (RTO), Retired Women Teachers of Ontario, and Canadian Association for Retired Persons. Clarice enjoyed travelling, meeting new people, and spending time with friends. She travelled the world as a member of Friendship Force Niagara. She cherished her friendships, maintaining contact with some for over half a century and channeled her International experiences into hosting international students and educators who were taking English courses at Brock University.
Clarice was no less active on the Municipal front serving as Chair of the Mayor’s Advisory Committee for Seniors for St. Catharines; Member of the Steering Committee and Volunteer Chair for St. Catharines for the Ontario Senior Games 2004; Member of the Y.M.C.A. Board of Directors; and as a Member of the Welland Canal Parkway Task Force.
Clarice passed away on May 13, 2020. Her courage, character, and passion for life, are missed by many.The Rotary Club of St. Catharines Lakeshore is pleased to be able to fulfill her dream and create the Clarice West-Hobbs Contemplative Garden in her honour.